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Recycling, Garbage, and the Earth

This is the time of year we would probably have been discussing topics related to Earth Day. One of the highlights in the preschool world is getting to watch the garbage trucks come to collect garbage and recycling. This gives us a great opening for teaching about how we can ALL play our part to help care for our world. We clean up trash. We never leave litter. We also do lots of reusing and recycling.

We had some great fun with extra cardboard boxes.

- Making valentine mailboxes was just the beginning!

- We used them as building blocks.

- We taped some together to create a robot.

- We talked about construction and deconstruction, and used toy tools to totally demolish some boxes.

These activities help: build hand-eye coordination, build strength in the fine muscles, and provide hours of creative fun!

Attached is a song about recycling (wish we could all have learned together!)

Recycling reduces our garbage.

Recycling saves resources too.

Recycle your cans, bottles, paper.

It’s really a smart thing to do!

Recycle, recycle.

Recycle your papers today, today.

Recycle, recycle.

Don’t throw those used papers away. No way!

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